I Think I’m a Clone Now [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: 90s toy tech with an AI upgrade, return of the cyberdecks, body bots, a Rubik’s cube that solves itself, and a pickup truck that writes.
The Law of Attraction [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a bicycle with all the magnets, a robot with plenty of attitude, better plastic for metal casting, CAD for artists, musical hexagons, and how to plan your first Arduino project.
Drum Break! [Maker Update #195 *Adafruit Edition*]
This month on Maker Update, a 3d printed drummer, Adafruit at the newsstand, going live, a voting calendar, an eyeball shootout and a panic button for all your Zoom calls.
Golden Holdies [Maker Update #119]
This week on Maker Update, a servo word clock, the 2019 Hackaday prize, a phone that only plays hold music, organizing parts with google assistant, cheap robotics, and punching holes.
Flippin’ Switches [Maker Update #115]
This week on Maker Update, flipping switches, free boards for PyCon, shields, swords, robot music, purple rovers, LED legs, neon bikes, Lidar for dogs, and a look at PyPortal.
Privacy Parasite [Maker Update #109]
This week on Maker Update, a privacy parasite for your virtual assistant, MakeCode Arcade, asteroid harvesting robots, a hot glue light show, spaceship control panel, a laser-cut flap cascade, grippers, fitters, and tic-tacs.
Kitty Cruiser [Maker Update #94]
This week on Maker Update, an electric skateboard for your kitty, HP goes metal, a solenoid drum machine, flexible 3D printed masks, two light-up ghost toys, a Zelda bladesaw, and an all-seeing skull.
A Kimono for the Self Involved [Maker Update #27]
This week on Maker Update, an egotistical kimono, a personal cloud for your MP3s, your basic cocktail robot, makerspace storage, tiny joysticks, one feather to rule them all, taming eye hooks, tracking Pis, and tinker techno. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE!
Pi Panda Cams and Laser Lightsabers [Maker Update #25]
This week on Maker Update. A laser-powered lightsaber, a new 3D printer feature, rock music with actual rocks, Pi panda cam, high-tech ro-sham-bo, and why I’m building a Hello Kitty car. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE