In a Word [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a wordy clock, walking in VR, a motivational scrap bot, and 3D printed foot fashion.
Picture This [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a Pi-powered portrait picture plotter, screaming plants, time for your old TV, trash kang, big bones, and a quest for animatronic perfection.
Hackson Pollock [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a robot that flings paint, an RC duck, a pocket-sized replicant detector, and a pumpkin for your Pi.
Roll With It [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a new way to get around, easy planters, an all-wheel drive bike, a new take on turn signals, building a workshop from scratch, a Tetris clock, DIY flipdots, professional framing at home, and building your own robot dog.
Guest host: Becky Stern
A Stiff Drink [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a cocktail you can’t drink, robots that don’t dance, a cyberdeck in three parts, workbenches, cold casting and listening to satellites with a tape measure.
Winning with the Wiggle Stick [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: A pool game you can’t lose, a saw blade bicycle, a modern desk, cardboard whales, extra GPIO and casting tips from The Crafsman.
Hands-Free Pumpkin [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a candy-spewing pumpkin, making a wig from foam, a ghost in the circuit, and cow costumes for robots.
Dropping the Ball [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, an attractive clock, robots on the ceiling, Micro:Bit gets an upgrade, a cylon scooter, pocket model kit, a box of life, and OLED fangs.
Fog Cutter [Maker Update #189]
This week on Maker Update, an off-world bartender, glowing sine waves, neon pixels, 3D digits, a levitating toy, hand loupes, step-down casters, micro connectors, and tapping technique.
Making the VK-01 Cocktail Machine
There’s an Instructables page up now, collecting all of the work on my cocktail machine for the 2020 Cocktail Robotics Grand Challenge.
I call it the VK-01 Off-World Bartender. It’s a Blade Runner-inspired machine that’s a mix of sci-fi and retro. Every detail I can think of is collected in the Instructable — every line of code, wiring diagram, and 3D design.
I hope it can inspire you to build your own cocktail machine. It’s been a challenging project, but one of my most rewarding yet. It was also a great motivation for becoming more comfortable with coding, 3D design, and exploring the possibilities of working with other makers and artists. I wouldn’t take back a minute of it.