Pi-way to the Danger Zone [Maker Update #178]
This week on Maker Update, a pint-sized Pi flight sim, the Pleasurebot 9000, a Fallout guitar, a crawling ballbot, an RFID Spotify player, bending plastic, and hands-free handles.
MIDI Face Melter [Maker Update #169 Adafruit Edition]
This month on Maker Update: a fully functioning midi instrument, Adafruit’s response to Covid 19, an easy-sew face mask, dropping eggs, Morse code, and Circuit Python en Español.
Shelf Life [Maker Update #166]
This week on Maker Update, a shelf clock, making a difference with COVID-19, a face tracking robot head, an illuminated book nook, and the MagPi goes half off.
Engage Hyperdrive [Maker Update #158]
This week on Maker Update, a full-scale millennium Falcon cockpit, Jen Schachter’s Cricut Cart, a Google-controlled origami light show, a game of life table, and animating flip-digits.
Side Iron [Maker Update #157]
This week on Maker Update, the Adam Savage soldering iron station, Pigeon robotics, cat food control, glowing black plastic, giant LEDs, and the good kind of Fubar.
5 Favorite Maker Projects of 2019 [Maker Update #153]
This week on Maker Update, my picks for the Top 5 most year-defining projects of 2019.
Doomsday Pi [Maker Update #150]
This week on Maker Update, an off-grid Pi recovery kit, Hackaday Grand Prize, a chorus of Billy Bass, improving old toys, a transforming bike, viewing Gcode, painting R2, and hydro-dipping.
Glass Eye for the Spooky Guy [Maker Update #143] *Adafruit Edition*
This week on Maker Update: Everything is awesome with this 3d printed lamp, over 2000 guides, a Xenomorph Candy Bucket, a creepy beating heart, mobile coding, keychords, IoT security and crazy cartoon eyes.
Fading Triangles [Maker Update #136]
This week on Maker Update, adding nuance to your LED projects, Teensy 4.0, machine learning for knitting, hello drinkbot, AI wearables, and toy hacking.
Arduino-Controlled IoT Relay Power Strip Review
DLI IoT Relay
It’s time for another Cool Tools review. This is the DLI IoT Relay. I got it for around $30 on Amazon. I’m going to show you why it’s awesome and if you want one for yourself, using the link in the description helps support my videos and the Cool Tools blog.