Dancing With Myself [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: beats with a side of AI, Hackaday Prize, tiny lightsabers, Furby backpacks, foldable rovers, MIDI Lyres, and new gear from Arduino and Prusa.
Sorting by Suction [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a vacuum sorter for Lego, a pixel art oscilloscope, a new home for printed parts, tiny toy guns, folding buildings, and getting the most out of a low end table saw.
Driving Meat Crazy [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, meals on wheels, Prusa goes big, Alexa Wheatley, a PC tower tavern, and fortune telling with a quantum computer.
Snap-On Lasers [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a modular smartwatch, resin printing gets a speed boost, saving Ferris, sorting candy, and robot archery.
Domino Effect [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a robot for dominos, controlling your TV with the Force, a kiddo control panel, and AR on the cheap.
Witchcraft [Maker Update #192]
This week on Maker Update, a hover board for witches, lasercut zodiak, a starburst display, thread plotting, wobbling oloids, and interactive trees.
Grin and Wear It [Maker Update #181]
This week on Maker Update, a mask with an automatic grin, a one-legged robot, dual-screen cyberdeck, the Pi MixMakr, infill earrings, and giving your cutting mat a boost.
MIDI Face Melter [Maker Update #169 Adafruit Edition]
This month on Maker Update: a fully functioning midi instrument, Adafruit’s response to Covid 19, an easy-sew face mask, dropping eggs, Morse code, and Circuit Python en Español.
Pi Panda Cams and Laser Lightsabers [Maker Update #25]
This week on Maker Update. A laser-powered lightsaber, a new 3D printer feature, rock music with actual rocks, Pi panda cam, high-tech ro-sham-bo, and why I’m building a Hello Kitty car. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE