Howl’s Moving Crafting Hoard [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, from garbage to Ghibli, cyborg William Tell, riding the last mile on your butt, book bundles, string art, and pool noodle robot whegs.
Hands-Free Pumpkin [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a candy-spewing pumpkin, making a wig from foam, a ghost in the circuit, and cow costumes for robots.
Don’t Forget the Greeblies [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, woodworking for Sith lords, Simone’s dog takes a selfie, wings of steel, a wiper motor coffee grinder, and Russian crowbars.
Monster Chompers [Maker Update #175]
This week on Maker Update, our robot overlords get a new, terrifying mouth, the Pi camera goes deluxe, Maker Faire goes virtual, mirror inspiration, and singing toilet paper.
Be Still My Heart [Maker Update #161]
This week on Maker Update, a beating heart, robot dreams, giant numbers, real-time object tracking, puffy bricks, and HackSpace goes half-price.
Creature Feature [Maker Update #122]
This week on Maker Update, magnetic animatronics, a photo frame with a dark side, a conductive paper dragon, keyblades, a Star Trek desk, and gaming with a PyBadge.
Privacy Parasite [Maker Update #109]
This week on Maker Update, a privacy parasite for your virtual assistant, MakeCode Arcade, asteroid harvesting robots, a hot glue light show, spaceship control panel, a laser-cut flap cascade, grippers, fitters, and tic-tacs.
Dodecahedron Dance Party [Maker Update #100]
This week on Maker Update, a Jedi-worthy lightsaber, Kickstarter’s test print, an iFixit giveaway, a musical dodecahedron, sound bending, disc shooting, MIDI motors, and stringy plotters.
Asus Tinker Board S [Maker Update #66]
This week on Maker Update, an interactive music ring, the Asus Tinker Board S, Google’s Vision kit for Raspberry Pi, and a servo movement recorder. This week’s Cool Tool is 3M SandBlaster Ultra Flexible Sanding Sheets.
Favorite Projects of 2017 [Maker Update #65]
This week on Maker Update, I’ll take a look back at some of my favorite projects from 2017 and show you a cordless hot glue gun for hot glue on the go. This week’s Cool Tool is a Ryobi Cordless Glue Gun.