Keys to Success [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: more keys than a janitor’s keyring, fluffy cat buts for the win, a benchy in a bottle, and a really cool hinge.
+Show Notes [Maker Update Ep.425]+
=Project of the Week=
A Keyboard with Ten Hundred Keys by Attoparsec 0:31
Alt.ctrl.GDC 2025 2:41
=More Projects=
Benchy in a Bottle by Derailed3D 3:27
DIY Laser Mic by Something About Science 4:14
=Tips & Tools=
Workbench Upgrades from Izzy Swan 5:13
Clever Hinge by Laura Kampf 5:59
Making Thrift Store Finds Less Ugly by Rachel Maksy 6:41
Disney Imagineering BTS with Cleo Abram 7:08
=DigiKey Spotlight=
Circuit Breaker Basics 7:49
Pleats and Tweets [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: bringing origami to life, Lego lets go of Mindstorms, taking your dragon up a notch, pedaling puppets, and waterproofing your mermaid tech.
Jam On It [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, wearable microphone jammers, reinventing retro tech, moving mirrors, 3D printed turntables, digital Super 8, and a circuit sculpture radio.
Flip-Out [Maker Update #134 – Adafruit Edition]
This week on Maker Update, a flip-out mic for your machine learning pocket project, a shark mask that moves when you talk, a light-up sound board, adding Neopixels to a backpack, and the Circuit Playground Proto Gizmo.
Split-Flap Attack [Maker Update #73]
This week on Maker Update, rolling your own split-flap display, the unholy union of Furby and Alexa, customized fan grilles and a walnut box with a foam core secret. This week’s Cool Tool is the Joe Knows Electronics Resistor Starter Kit.