Bar Crawl [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a table that crawls, badge bling, a remote controlled wagon, and a photo booth for bugs.
It’s In the Bag [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a hat for all your fruit, a tripteron robot, DIY off-grid communications, and a comprehensive guide on metal fabrication.
Bread Roll [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: kicking whole grain into high gear, 1-D fireworks three different ways, a game with 1000 LEDs, and a one-handed solder solution.
Boards, Bots & Ghosts [Maker Update #99]
This week on Maker Update, Ghost Rider, Prop-Maker, Particle Mesh boards, Simone’s Calendar, defeating DRM, MIT’s Fiberbots, an open source cat, and a library of printable Lego bricks.
Contraptions and QR Coasters [Maker Update #71]
This week on Maker Update, an animated wooden sign, new mesh boards from Particle, 3D printed QR coasters, 3D printing on fabric, and my talk with Jon-A-Tron. This week’s Cool Tool is a Retractable Cardboard Cutter.
Particle Brings Mesh Networking to DIY IoT Projects
Particle, the company behind the Internet of Things hardware and software platform of the same name, announced three new, low-cost development boards today that make use of mesh network technology. The Arduino-compatible development boards come with either a cellular (LTE/3G/2G) connection, Wi-Fi connection, or a mesh-only option. All three boards are also cable of communicating over Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE).