Where’s My Jetpack? [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, rolling your own jetpack, machine learning for money, motion controlled hadouken, invisible roommates, infrared mirrors, and mechanical wings.
Dodecahedron Dance Party [Maker Update #100]
This week on Maker Update, a Jedi-worthy lightsaber, Kickstarter’s test print, an iFixit giveaway, a musical dodecahedron, sound bending, disc shooting, MIDI motors, and stringy plotters.
A Kimono for the Self Involved [Maker Update #27]
This week on Maker Update, an egotistical kimono, a personal cloud for your MP3s, your basic cocktail robot, makerspace storage, tiny joysticks, one feather to rule them all, taming eye hooks, tracking Pis, and tinker techno. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE!
Pi Panda Cams and Laser Lightsabers [Maker Update #25]
This week on Maker Update. A laser-powered lightsaber, a new 3D printer feature, rock music with actual rocks, Pi panda cam, high-tech ro-sham-bo, and why I’m building a Hello Kitty car. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE