Sense of Scale [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a medieval street inside a bookshelf, a self-watering plant wall, and tips to panini press your plastic waste.
Host: Jen Schachter (
Bombastic Side Eye [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a camera that can’t see straight, the Raspberry Pi 500, a chair for your clothes, skin for your robots, and tricking a plotter into writing all your wedding notes.
Lens Flare [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a DIY digital camera that’s made to be played with, Google’s Little Signals, dismantling cookies for science, and unlocking your computer with push-ups.
Invisible Touch [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, touching things that aren’t there, old lenses for new cameras, the value of reading the data sheet, slicer settings, exposure settings, tool settings, and 50 tips for stepping up your CAD game.
Drum Break! [Maker Update #195 *Adafruit Edition*]
This month on Maker Update, a 3d printed drummer, Adafruit at the newsstand, going live, a voting calendar, an eyeball shootout and a panic button for all your Zoom calls.
Complaint Button [Maker Update #81]
This week on Maker Update, felted electronics, new 3D printers, wire bending, an angry woodpecker complaint button, a big head box, 3D printed tulle necklace, cordless sawzall, perfect painting, Tinkercad scribbling and Maker Faires. This week’s Cool Tool is a cordless reciprocating saw.
Project Power [Maker Update #61]
This week on Maker Update, solar-power plant monitors, Dale and Naomi make up, a macro for your GoPro, and Make’s desktop fabrication guide. The Cool Tool this week is the DLI IoT Relay.