Keys to Success [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: more keys than a janitor’s keyring, fluffy cat buts for the win, a benchy in a bottle, and a really cool hinge.
+Show Notes [Maker Update Ep.425]+
=Project of the Week=
A Keyboard with Ten Hundred Keys by Attoparsec 0:31
Alt.ctrl.GDC 2025 2:41
=More Projects=
Benchy in a Bottle by Derailed3D 3:27
DIY Laser Mic by Something About Science 4:14
=Tips & Tools=
Workbench Upgrades from Izzy Swan 5:13
Clever Hinge by Laura Kampf 5:59
Making Thrift Store Finds Less Ugly by Rachel Maksy 6:41
Disney Imagineering BTS with Cleo Abram 7:08
=DigiKey Spotlight=
Circuit Breaker Basics 7:49
Infinity Plus Infinity [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: an infinity of infinities, lasers and rockets for cats, and a giant skeleton made of chicken wire.
All Eyes On Me [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a necklace with a staring problem, a laser powered mosquito swatter, moire play, and a giant 3D printed mechanical hand.
Keeps on Ticking [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: An apple watch keeps on ticking, quieter coffee, better living through pegboards, celestial movement, adjusting hinges, and a better stand for soldering work.
Favorite Projects of 2022 [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, Donald and Tyler look back at their favorite maker projects and tips of 2022.
Laser Landscaping [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: cutting your lawn with lasers, a cyberpunk PC case, making 3d prints look like metal, a kumiko canoe paddle, cross infill, and getting n00ds from Adafruit.
Sorting by Suction [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a vacuum sorter for Lego, a pixel art oscilloscope, a new home for printed parts, tiny toy guns, folding buildings, and getting the most out of a low end table saw.
Binary Revolution [Maker Update #200]
This week on the 200th episode of Maker Update, laser cut data discs, Hackaday Remoticon, 64-bit circuit sculpture, and a Pi-powered Apollo computer.
5 Favorite Maker Projects of 2019 [Maker Update #153]
This week on Maker Update, my picks for the Top 5 most year-defining projects of 2019.
Lasers to 11 [Maker Update #138]
This week on Maker Update, an upright laser harp, Sphero gobbles up LittleBits, reeling kite string, wiggly antennas, and designing for burning man.