Packs a Punch [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a fanny Pack with all the hacks, a violin that doesn’t stop, RGB wood paneling, and 3d printed designs for 16th century technology.
Ornament of Doom [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: vintage gaming for your tree, a snowflake made from LED noodles, making for fun, and the Alpakka open source gamepad.
Hot Pocket [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: toast without borders, dissecting a droid, bending epoxy in the sun, wigglegrams, Lack hacks, and playing Tetris on your pumpkin.
Moonshot [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, shooting for the Moon, Honda says “Don’t Copy that Cupholder”, the future of kitchen timers, sugar glass, melted PCBs, and making time to organize.
Turn, Turn, Turn [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a wheel-y cool weather bot, a call for maker music projects, freaky fractals, making monsters, and drawing with the PlottyBot.
No Stairway [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a project that hits all the right notes, 3d printing with sawdust, ramen noodle knife scales, pizza factories, typesetting, and questionable angle grinder tips from Jimmy DiResta.
Where’s My Jetpack? [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, rolling your own jetpack, machine learning for money, motion controlled hadouken, invisible roommates, infrared mirrors, and mechanical wings.
Onward and Upward [Maker Update #171]
This Week on Maker Update, the social distance bike, a Narnia book nook, DIY UV-C sterilization, making circles with Adam Savage, and putting holes in concrete.
Golden Holdies [Maker Update #119]
This week on Maker Update, a servo word clock, the 2019 Hackaday prize, a phone that only plays hold music, organizing parts with google assistant, cheap robotics, and punching holes.
Cardboard Plywood [Maker Update #104]
This week on Maker Update, cardboard trees for cats, an LED pixel clock, a pocket disco, Molecules for your neck, a light river for your kitchen, a solar heart, and an 8-player NES.