Prime Time [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: Bob’s bobble head, machine learning for quirky droids, a laptop with a side of soldering iron, and an easy recipe for haunted mirrors.
Shred Your Own Banksy [Maker Update #98]
This week on Maker Update, your own Banksy art shredder, the new Pi TV HAT, the CAD of soda bottles, a wearable touchscreen computer, a 3D printed doorman, a location aware MP3 player, and a sand table drawbot.
Becky Stern Explains Her Social Stats Tracker Display
My talk with Becky Stern about her Social Stats Tracker Display project on Instructables, which keeps tabs on her followers on Instagram, Twitter, and Instructables. Also, check out Becky’s previous YouTube Tracker project that laid the foundation for this.
Slow Motion Reality [Maker Update #39]
This week on Maker Update, Maui Makers, slow motion frames, the launch of Maker Share, zip-tie lamps, rocker switch walls, magnetic wristbands, and a cheap way to brand wood. This week’s featured Cool Tool is the MagnoGrip magnetic wristband.