Every Tool is a Hammer [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a tool with all the cools, I’ve got my eye on you, a king’s ransom of sand tables, and homebrew gameboy games.
Segment Surf [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a maritime matrix, an LED katana, a Nerf dart that fires itself, and a floppy disc with its own file browser.
It’s a Sign [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: real big real neon, a Pi camera with autofocus, bending cathode rays, and a typewriter that writes back.
Don’t Overthink It [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: the solution to boring windows, a business-by-day, saving-throw-by-night table, a terrifying disc flinger, Acme threads, exploding capacitors, and the ranking of trashes.
Mad Mask [Maker Update #193]
This week on Maker Update, a mask launcher, Hackaday U, a Star Wars book nook, FlexBot, quarter-scale arcade, DeWalt’s welding table, and embossing comes to Fusion.
Split-Flap Attack [Maker Update #73]
This week on Maker Update, rolling your own split-flap display, the unholy union of Furby and Alexa, customized fan grilles and a walnut box with a foam core secret. This week’s Cool Tool is the Joe Knows Electronics Resistor Starter Kit.
Asus Tinker Board Challenges Raspberry Pi [Maker Update #18]
This week on Maker Update: the classic bristlebot gets an upgrade, Eagle CAD drops a bomb, ASUS takes on Raspberry Pi, musical domes, hacked Furbys, vape tech, and Chi-town gets a big ol’ Maker Faire.