When AA batteries won’t cut it, try an 18650
EBL 18650 3.7V 3000mAh Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries
It’s time for another Cool Tool review. This time we’re taking a look at the most popular rechargeable battery most people know nothing about. This is the 18650, I got a pair of these name brand ones for $9, though you can get sketchy ones even cheaper. I’m going to show you why they’re useful and if you want some for yourself, using the Amazon link in the description helps support my videos and the Cool Tools blog.
DIY Camera Explains Your Picture [Maker Update #17]
This week, an artificially intelligent word camera, the launch of the Pi Compute Module 3 and why it’s ok not to care, a goofy walking Arduino bot, a slot-together octopus lamp, a $20 color-matching laptop light, shop tips, battery tips, and where in the world is this week’s Maker Faire? SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE