Pi Panda Cams and Laser Lightsabers [Maker Update #25]
This week on Maker Update. A laser-powered lightsaber, a new 3D printer feature, rock music with actual rocks, Pi panda cam, high-tech ro-sham-bo, and why I’m building a Hello Kitty car. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE
I’m Making an Electric GoKart for Maker Faire
I’ve officially launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for my Maker Faire Bay Area 2017 electric GoKart build. There’s a lot of “firsts” in this statement for me. It’s my first time presenting a project at Maker Faire, my first time crowdfunding, and my first time building a GoKart (luckily I have some serious help on that one).
Tiki Volcanoes & Double Pendulums [Maker Update #24]
This week on Maker Update: glow in the dark chaos, a workstation for electronic forensics, a tiki bar basement volcano, cases for your knobs, and maker classes. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE
$10 Pi Zero W Computer Gets WiFi & Bluetooth [Maker Update #23]
This week on Maker Update: a motion activated bike light, a new, better Raspberry Pi Zero W, a tiny retro Apple II, a stunning animated LED lamp, a time travel TV, e-ink displays, a board for car hacking, and easy fiber optics. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE.
CNC Garden Pods & Wi-Fi Weather Panels [Maker Update #22]
This week on Maker Update we have an open source garden pod, weather over Wi-Fi, DIY night vision, measuring tape mods, and Wookiee treats. Plus, a $10,000 maker contest from the Infosys Foundation and two Maker Faires. Subscribe on YouTube.
Hacking a $2 Voice Recorder [Maker Update #21]
This week on Maker Update, a circuit-bent voice recorder hacked into an intercom, a $500 laser engraver, a Raspberry Pi robot arm, a Flick Face electronics project, Pi Cams compared, a PocketCHIP review, and contests! SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE
PocketCHIP $69 Handheld Computer Review
The Oakland-based startup Next Thing Co. made a splash in 2015 when they announced a $9 single-board Linux computer called C.H.I.P. Like the Raspberry Pi, C.H.I.P. is a Linux computer designed for DIY projects and education — only significantly less expensive. And while the price made an impression on me at the time, I wasn’t yet into Raspberry Pi enough to even be tempted by a competitor. That is, until I saw PocketCHIP.
Next Thing Co. is clever enough to sell an accessory called PocketCHIP that transforms the credit card-sized board into a thoroughly unique, fully functional handheld computer. The PocketCHIP’s $69 price includes both the CHIP board and the portable handheld computer hardware that it simply slots right into.
DIY Spy Camera and IoT Valentines [Maker Update #20]
This week on Maker Update, a cheap, DIY spy camera, manufacturing with Voodoo, the Billy Bass Alexa gets fully realized, an internet valentine, printed pangolins, a guitar stompbox development rig, friction welding plastic, and Maker Faire Kuwait. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE
GIF Books & Soda Lockers [Maker Update #19]
This week on Maker Update, a kid turns his locker into soda vending machine, a serious word on laser cutter fumes, printing GIFs into books, string launchers, a breadboard/Arduino/LEGO brick mashup, contests ending on Instructables, and why I’m flying to Iowa. SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE
Asus Tinker Board Challenges Raspberry Pi [Maker Update #18]
This week on Maker Update: the classic bristlebot gets an upgrade, Eagle CAD drops a bomb, ASUS takes on Raspberry Pi, musical domes, hacked Furbys, vape tech, and Chi-town gets a big ol’ Maker Faire.