Ready Player Thumb [Maker Update #123]
This week on Maker Update, a one thumb entertainment system, using an LED matrix as a scanner, LED jewelry, and a rubber chicken powered camera slider.
Rennsteig Adjustable Automatic Center Punch
Rennsteig Adjustable Automatic Center Punch
This week for my Cool Tools review I’m going to show you a fancy automatic center hole punch, great for marking and starting drill holes in metal and wood. I’ve got an Amazon link for this in the show notes, and if you pick one up you help to support my videos and the Cool Tools blog.
Beadle Wrap – Easier than a twist tie
Gardner Bender Beaded Cable Tie
It’s time for another Cool Tools video review. This time I’m going to show you guys Beadle wrap. You can grab a pack of this stuff for around $5 on Amazon. There’s a link in the description that’ll take you there, and by using it you also support the Cool Tools blog, and my videos.
Creature Feature [Maker Update #122]
This week on Maker Update, magnetic animatronics, a photo frame with a dark side, a conductive paper dragon, keyblades, a Star Trek desk, and gaming with a PyBadge.
Ornithopter Anatomy [Maker Update #121]
This week on Maker Update, an open source ornithopter, a self-solving Rubik’s cube, a farting baseball, a Pi piano light show, a Lithophane lamp, and turning wood on a table saw.
Fast Cars, Soft Bots [Maker Update #120]
This week on Maker Update, a blazing fast 3D printed RC car, soft robotics in Korea, taking pictures with an Etch A Sketch, a robot recycler, and reading your pet’s RFID.
Golden Holdies [Maker Update #119]
This week on Maker Update, a servo word clock, the 2019 Hackaday prize, a phone that only plays hold music, organizing parts with google assistant, cheap robotics, and punching holes.
Make It Snooze [Maker Update #118]
This week on Maker Update, a Star Trek themed alarm clock, Oblique Strategies, an animated GIF display, a high tech View Master, a NeoPixel corset, and a blood glucose display.
I Want My Lissajous TV [Maker Update #117]
This week on Maker Update, stop motion with Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA’s $99 AI board, Game Burgers, Lissajous Jukebox, StreetWriter, Ping Pong clock, and a laser cut turntable cabinet.
Couch Controller [Maker Update #116]
This week on Maker Update, a special episode from the show floor at the 2019 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. We’ll take a look at some of the most interesting maker-made games from the alt.ctrl showcase, including a couch co-op game controlled by your butt.