Don’t Forget the Greeblies [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, woodworking for Sith lords, Simone’s dog takes a selfie, wings of steel, a wiper motor coffee grinder, and Russian crowbars.
Dropping the Ball [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, an attractive clock, robots on the ceiling, Micro:Bit gets an upgrade, a cylon scooter, pocket model kit, a box of life, and OLED fangs.
Slice of Light [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, the Lightswell, the $59 Jetson Nano, folding a bike, a hacker puzzle terminal, and a split head rawhide hammer.
MIDI Monster Mash [Maker Update] *Adafruit Edition*
This month on the Adafruit edition of Maker Update, a pocket-sized procedural MIDI sequencer, Empire State Maker Faire, a menagerie of matrices, solar powered projects, and this little cutie pie!
Binary Revolution [Maker Update #200]
This week on the 200th episode of Maker Update, laser cut data discs, Hackaday Remoticon, 64-bit circuit sculpture, and a Pi-powered Apollo computer.
Pan, Tilt, Zoom [Maker Update #199]
++Show Notes [Maker Update #199]++
Guest host, Sophy Wong!
-=Project of the Week=-
3D Printing a $10,000 Camera Arm by Alexandre Chappel
Read More
Circadian Sound [Maker Update #198]
This week on Maker Update, a circadian sound sculpture, TensorFlow for the ESP32, NVIDIA buys ARM, flexball, walking triangles, and tapping threads.
Servo Seamstress [Maker Update 197]
This week on Maker Update, a Pangolin-inspired mind-control dress, a freeform circuit sound sculpture, flip-up spidey goggles, and shooting scrails.
Smart Garbage [Maker Update #196]
This week on Maker Update, a self-driving garbage can, flat-pack furniture, multimaterial goes lenticular, a Slack dial, animated origami, cassette sound sculpture and nailing the mil-spec look.
Drum Break! [Maker Update #195 *Adafruit Edition*]
This month on Maker Update, a 3d printed drummer, Adafruit at the newsstand, going live, a voting calendar, an eyeball shootout and a panic button for all your Zoom calls.