Driving Meat Crazy [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, meals on wheels, Prusa goes big, Alexa Wheatley, a PC tower tavern, and fortune telling with a quantum computer.
G-code Good Guy [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a supersized BMO, the return of Maker Faires, a new life for soda cans, wooden robots, gift guides, and a collection of fish friendly filaments.
Packs a Punch [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, Ian Charnas takes on Mike Tyson, a bike that’s possessed, Janksy, and cooking up a Pepper’s ghost.
Magic Wheelchair Snakes on a Magic Wheelchair Plane [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, the perfect costume for a jet-setter, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2, a real PKE Meter, cleaner air, plamps, and how to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
Picture This [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a Pi-powered portrait picture plotter, screaming plants, time for your old TV, trash kang, big bones, and a quest for animatronic perfection.
At Your Command [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: robots at your command, the best everyday carry holster, getting the most out of a cheap miter gauge, wireless LEDs, singing sculptures, and a rotary phone for your Zoom calls.
G-code Wuz Here [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, graffiti CNC, a commitment to carbonation, a laser cut haunted house, a face-detecting leaf blower, and going Gaga for Halloween.
Roll-Top Puzzle Podium [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a rolltop puzzle table, 4D Printed robots, A spit-flap flip clock, dichroic lamps, CNC vs laser death matches, and how to make your design a little less dumb.
Hackson Pollock [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update, a robot that flings paint, an RC duck, a pocket-sized replicant detector, and a pumpkin for your Pi.
Built To Spill [Maker Update]
This week on Maker Update: a tree built to tumble, forks for your fingers, a boat with a butt, finding flats, stronger steppers and flickering fluorescents for your futuristic figures.